Chandragesan, the founder of Multi Effort (M) Sdn. Bhd. (MEMESB) is basically a Civil and Structural Engineer graduated from University of Malaya (UM) who has specialized in the Civil, Structural Steel, Roofing and M & E Works through his immense engineering and construction works. The practical applications have spread its roots all over the country, coupled with sophisticated project management concepts for around 14 years.

His veracity and ingenuity in client welfare has created enviable goodwill amongst clients bringing them immense prosperity. These endeavours, with such services, combined with personal approaches and consideration of time factor and also cost reduction have resulted in perpetual prospects to business community, industrialists and property owners and similar such personnel.

Chandragesan, a Civil and Structural Engineer from University of Malaya having more than 14 years of experiences in east and west of Malaysia in versatile segments both engineering as well as construction works, capable of providing appropriate solutions from his practical acquired knowledge for the success of our various clients. He also has registered with the following Institution that make him a specialist in both engineering and construction fields.

Board of Engineers, Malaysia

Institute of Engineers, Malaysia

Malaysian Structural Steel Association


LT. KOL. (B) lR. HJ. Bakri Bin Dahalan is MEMSB’s Director and basically a Professional Engineer (PE). He is a master graduate in the Project management and also specialized in the engineering and construction works. He has served the Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) and worked with Defence Minister for past 25 years as on engineer and project manager. He has involved directly in the ATM projects around Malaysia and he has a vast experience and knowledge about construction works. After retired from ATM, he has formed his own consulting firm and worked as consulting engineer for another l0 years. Therefore overall he has 35 years experience in the construction field in both technical and management field.